Your Journey to Israel with Shalom Jerusalem Tours:
Our hearts desire is that will you have the most incredible, excellent tour with wonderful service from our staff and your spirits be filled as you leave the Holy Land.
To make the most out of your trip we suggest you begin with a 4 week devotional before your arrival that will ignite, refresh, and bring you into the Holy Land ready to embark on your journey of the land of the Holy Torah.
Before You Visit
Experience in your heart as Yeashua lead to Calvary
Matthew 26:57 – 28:10
The Events of the Crucifixion
The Cross (26:57-27:56)
- The trial before the Sanhedrin (26:57-75)
NOTE: Peter denied Yeshua during the time Yeshua was appearing before the Jewish leaders in the high priest’s house. Peter had followed at a distance, but when confronted, he denied his Lord.
- The trial before Pilate (27:11-26)
NOTE: Although the exact location is uncertain, tradition says that Yeshua appeared before Pilate in the Fortress of Antonia that looked over the northwestern edge of the temple. From here Yeshua began His walk to “The Place of the Skull.”
The Torture (27:27-31)
NOTE: The Romans flogged Yeshua (v. 26), a lashing so severe that prisoners sometimes died from this punishment before being crucified. Yeshua was then stripped, mocked, spat on, and beaten on the head with a staff. All this was “preparation” for the actual crucifixion.
- The Crucifixion (27:32-56)
- Yeshua’ journey to Golgotha (27:32-44) NOTE: Yeshua likely carried a beam of the cross until, weakened by the flogging, He collapsed. The Romans forced a Jewish passerby to carry the beam the remainder of the way. From the cross Yeshua could look out at soldiers gambling for His clothes, religious leaders mocking His death, and thieves sharing His dreaded fate.
- Yeshua’ death on the cross (27:45-56) NOTE: Crucifixion was a lengthy, torturous death. And yet, after paying for humanity’s sin, Yeshua “gave up his spirit.” He did not die from the crucifixion. As He had said earlier, “I lay down my life – only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again” (John 10:17-18).
The Grave (27:57-66)
- The burial at the tomb (27:57-61)
- Joseph of Arimathea boldly requested the body of Yeshua (vv. 57-58)
- Joseph placed Yeshua’ body in his own new tomb (vv. 59-61)
NOTE: In a “coincidence” prepared by G-d, Joseph’s new tomb had been dug in the same area where Yeshua was crucified. According to John’s Gospel, “At the place where Yeshua was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid” (John 19:41).
- The Guarding Of The Tomb (27:62-66)
- The request came from the religious leaders who remembered Yeshua’ words (vv. 62-64)
- The order came from Pilate and was carried out by his soldiers (vv. 65-66)
NOTE: The belief that the disciples stole Yeshua’ body contradicts this key fact: Yeshua’ tomb was sealed and under Roman guard. The frightened disciples would have been no match for experienced soldiers. In effect, G-d put the tomb under protective custody to validate the truth of the Resurrection.
The Empty Tomb (28:1-10)
- The Opening Of The Tomb (28:1-4)
The Announcement To The Women (28:5-10)
- Yeshua is risen
- The tomb is empty
- You will see Him
G-d’s “good news” for us is that Yeshua died for our sins according to the Scriptures. His death was validated by His burial. He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. His death was validated by His burial. He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. His resurrection was validated by His appearances to His disciples. Paul said this was the “good news” that he preached and by which we are saved (1 Cor. 15:1-8). During your visit to Jerusalem, you will walk the Via Dolorosa, stand at Calvary, and gaze into the empty tomb. And as you do, remember that Yeshua suffered, died, and rose again . . . for you.