Shalom Jerusalem Tours

Delivering Amazing Journey’s since 1975



Welcome to Ethiopia, a land of ancient wonders, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant cultures waiting to be explored. Located in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is a country steeped in history, known as the “Cradle of Humanity” for its pivotal role in the origins of humanity.

Ethiopia’s rich historical tapestry includes iconic sites like Lalibela, known for its rock-hewn churches carved into the mountainsides, and Axum, home to ancient obelisks and legends of the Ark of the Covenant. In the capital city of Addis Ababa, discover the vibrant blend of tradition and modernity, with bustling markets, impressive museums, and a thriving arts scene.

The Ethiopian highlands offer stunning natural beauty, with lush plateaus, deep valleys, and the Simien Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its dramatic landscapes and unique wildlife.

Ethiopia’s cultural diversity is as captivating as its landscapes. Explore the ancient traditions and rituals of the various ethnic groups, each with its own unique language, music, and cuisine. Don’t miss the chance to savor injera, the sourdough flatbread, and traditional stews like doro wat.

As you explore this remarkable country, you’ll encounter the warmth and hospitality of the Ethiopian people, who take pride in sharing their heritage and traditions with visitors.

Embark on a journey of discovery in Ethiopia, where history, culture, and natural beauty come together in a way that will leave you with a profound appreciation for this extraordinary land. Join us in exploring the land where humanity’s story began, and where ancient traditions continue to thrive. Ethiopia awaits your visit.