Shalom Jerusalem Tours

Try Living A Simple Life

Many people want a simple life away from all the chaos that seems self-inflicted. The first step to embracing this new form of lifestyle is to understand what simplicity means

Start Writing A Journal cathryn lavery 67851

Start Writing A Journal

An ideal time to write, comfortable digs, a great pen, and endless sheets of fabulous paper can make journaling more enjoyable. But if you think you can’t start journaling

Make Running A Part Of Your Life jenny hill

Make Running A Part Of Your Life

Running improves your cardiovascular strength, lowers bad cholesterol and speeds up your metabolism. Not to mention the immense positive feelings and self-esteem that is part of every successful run.

Improve Your Productivity

Every self-help program talks about the importance of taking a 10-15 minute break to boost your productivity. Breaks give us much needed time to rest our eyes, move around, stretch

Overcoming Your Failure

Failure is the most important step to reaching success, but it can still feel like it’s crushing your soul. To make failure your friend and not your enemy, you

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